Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Competitions to come under scrutiny

In the process of making the ‘Excellence Score’ assigned to extra virgin olive oils equitable, Savantes is researching extra virgin olive oil competitions around the world with a view to including the most rigorous in the calculation of excellence.

The main criteria to be considered in the ranking of competitions will be:

  • Entries being accepted from all producing regions
  • Independence of the organising enterprise
  • Rigour of the entry process including compliance of the extra virgin olive oils with international quality standards
  • Experience, breadth and independence of the judging panel
  • Processes in place to ensure that the oils bearing award claims and sold to consumers are the same as those that won the awards
  • Retention of samples and processes in place to deal with any disputes i.e. Redress when an oil is deemed to be defective

The results of the research will be used to rank the competitions and available to users of the GOOD application.